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ANUGA 2023 - Cologne, Germany

ANUGA 2023 - Cologne, Germany

From March 18 to March 21, 2024, the world-scale exhibition "Anuga 2023" for food and beverage products was held in Cologne, Germany, which was attended by more than 150,000 visitors. HOBY was involved in the "Enterprise Georgia" project, with their help we were able to attend this amazing trade fair, where we received overwhelming approval. We have also made plans for future partnerships with many foreign partners. HOBY presented at the exhibition:

1. 400 gram spout pouch  Mixed honey,
2. 400 gram spout pouch of Acacia honey,
3. 250 gram jar of Mixed honey,
4. 250 gram jar of Acacia honey,
5. 500 gram jar of Mixed honey.
6. 500 gram jar of Acacia honey.

Also at the exhibition we presented "SAMADLOBELI" drinks:
1. 500 ml of honey and walnut liqueur,
2. 500 ml honey brand